Video-Retargeting Workflow

3d animation is one of highest jump of the 3d computer graphics. In this 3d modeling lesson which is designed for 3d video game design and developing learners and 3d animated film making learners in 3d animation modeling software Autodesk Maya 2011 you will learn how to retarget 3d animation pattern to another 3d object using HIK feature of the 3d animation modeling software Autodesk Maya 2011. It is like copying and pasting of the 3d animation and retargeting it on another 3d object. For example here in this 3d animation lesson we have two 3d objects in workspace a 3d animated object and other is not animated 3d model but we want to make this second object to be animated in the same way as the first has been animated what we do it teach HIK system about the 3d animation of the animated object and create the same pattern of the joint motion for our other 3d model.


  1. First of your entire model on which you want to retarget the workflow should have all the details of joint chains from head to toe joints similar as that of source 3d animated object.
  2. Click on the Human IK icon in present in the Animation shelf tab in Animation menus set and then click on new option and then select the source object, and then teach Human IK all the detail of the joints motion there are details provided by Human IK you just have to click on set option for each moving joint if you have extra joints then set those as well. Now again click on the new button for the other object and generate Hierarchy for joints of 3d model. It is very easy Human IK will automatically do it for you as soon as you click new and then select the object and then click on generate Joints hierarchy for this model. Then fit the joint chain in your object and then click on Control Rig option in Human IK window and then the magic happens.
  3. Now you can add more and more details as mass factor during 3d animation and many other types of editing and modifying the motion of this retargeted animated object from the channel box.
  4. For learning about more details watch this free tutorial video now.