Video-Modeling a Tire with Poly II

Modeling-a-Tire-with-PolyThis 3 d modeling tutorial video is second part of the 3d modeling class lesson one 3d modeling of tire and wheel of a car etc to teach you tips and techniques of 3d modeling and 3d animation of computer graphics software application Maya. Here you will learn how to give the final shape to the wheel and axel and then move on towards the modeling of the tire. This lesson is very important for the engineering architectural designing, game designing and animation of the film and cartoons and other media visualization. In this wheel 3d modeling lesson you will learn some new feature of 3d modeling in computer graphic program Maya that are layering in Maya like in Photoshop etc. this 3 d modeling lesson comprises of three parts and this is second part of the 3d modeling. Follow the step given below.


  1. Go to the ‘Edit’ menu and delete ‘all’ type of ‘history’.
  2. Then select the object and create a layer by clicking on the second dotted lines set in the top of the channel box. Create a layer name it rim and the hide it.
  3. Create a polygon pipe from the polygon primitives and then change it values in shape inputs, recommended values in this lesson are; radius as ‘21’, height as ‘20’ thickness ‘0.8’, subdivision axis ‘50’ and subdivision height as ‘4’.
  4. Show the hidden layer back and then make some extrusion of this polygon pipe outwards so that the wheel is complete close the wire frame mode,
  5. You wheel is ready for details watch this free tutorial video now.