Video-Keyframe and Graph Editor (6)

video_kyframeThis is another informative free tutorial video about 3d animation using graph editor in 3d modeling and 3d animation program Autodesk Maya. In this video you will learn about what are static channels in 3d animation and what effect they have on your 3d animation. When you set a key with channel box key assigning key or with pressing‘s’ or set key from ‘Animation’ menu for making 3d animation, your key is assigned to all the attributes collectively, some of them are necessary where as other attributes have no change in position during 3d animation but key is also assign to them as well, these are unnecessary assigned key attribute called static channel in 3d animation and they create useless load on your animation as Maya has to be accountable for them as well during final rendering and animation playing or 3d animation editing. Therefore when you have completed you 3d animation then go to ‘Edit’ menu in the main menus in the ‘Delete by all type’ you choose ‘Static channels’. This will make you animation lighter and this very important when you make film or make a larger scene in 3d modeling and animation software Maya.