Video – Keyframe and Graph Editor (1)

This is another 3d animation lesson series in which you will learn how to animate ball bouncing in tennis court. This 3d animation is interesting and useful lesson for the 3d game designers and also sorts other 3d animators. In this 3d animation lesson you will learn what the key frames in 3d animation are and what is assigning key to a frame in 3d animation. These are the basic things to learn for 3d modeling and animation learners in 3d modeling and animation software Maya and other computer graphic software. As this website is for 3d modeling and animation learner in Maya so you will learn about 3d animation of a ball bouncing tennis court in 3d modeling and animation software application Maya. This 3d modeling and 3d animation learning website is free and contains all the knowledge about complete control and commands and use of all tool and commands in 3d modeling animation and rendering software Maya.
Frames per second:
keyframe -and-Graph-Editor Frames are the points in one second; on these points you can assign keys to you 3d object with respect to the initial point by their rotation, resizing or moving from place or point. And when you will play the animation of these assigned key you will see that you object moves, rotate or is re-sized on frame where you assigned keys or setting keys. By default real frames per second are approximately 24 frames per second. But in 3d modeling and animation software you can increase the number of frames per second doing this affects the speed of you animation. Next free tutorial videos of this 3d animation lesson will practically explain the frame per second concept in 3d animation for basics of frames per second and setting or assigning keys, watch this free tutorial video of 3d animation learning.