Video-2Dimensional Coordinates

The following tutorial is describing difference about 2D and 3D object. The 2D object have two side and its coordinates are indicated with U& V. On the other hand 3D object is defined as three sides of object with coordinates U, V&W. The main concept is originated from mathematics, geometry and trigonometry where you work with different shapes. These shapes are basically 2D and 3D in shapes. So the same is here, it is first lesson in Maya learning to know about 2D and 3D objects and its coordinates. The question is that what is coordinates? To learn this concept, we take an example. Take a simple paper and draw a line that graph or take already graph paper. There are two main lines on the paper which is indicating its coordinates. The horizontal line stands for Y and vertical shows the X coordinate. They are collectively called XY coordinates but in Maya they are denoted with UV coordinates. These coordinates are perpendicular to each other and they join with one another at the central points called Origin denoted by”O”. There are two sides for each coordinates and they demonstrate positive and negative values. So if you are tended to learn Maya, you should learn plane basic setting and function as in this video tutorial.