Maya Modeling Basics: NURBS Bishop, pt. 2

Maya Modeling BasicsThis NURBS 3d modeling video tutorial is going to teach you about how NURBS 3d modeling surfaces are controlled in 3d modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya. When you are in NURBS 3d modeling you are not going to get the shape like edges, sharp ends etc. NURBS 3d modeling is for the curved surfaces 3d modeling like airplane and car surface bodies. NURBS 3d modeling gives you smooth, non-uniform but rational splines surfaces. When you are in polygon 3d modeling and you right click on your 3d model etc then you have options like Edge, Face and Vertex which in fact are elements of the polygons shape whereas in NURBS 3d modeling when you right click on NURBS curve or 3d model with NURBS surface then you get options like Edit points, Control vertex, Hulls and Isopalms etc. option provide you editing and modifying controls for curved surface and lines formation. Moreover when you will learn more about the NURBS surfaces and NURBS 3d modeling you will get more aware of the NURBS 3d modeling technique and NURBS 3d modeling tools and commands in 3d modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya.


  1. For modeling the shape realistically right click on the object and select the control vertex, then press ‘w’ for move tool and move the vertices of the surface inwards with manipulating handle.
  2. Red arrow represents the x-axis, green arrow is for the y-axis and the blue arrow is for z-axis.
  3. Moreover when you are in orthographic views and you select some 3d model then it is selected from all around.
  4. For more details of this 3d modeling lesson watch this free 3d modeling video lesson now.