Maya 2009 Soft Selection Overview

maya soft selectionThis is 3d modeling lesson in which you be learning about how to use the soft selection tool in 3d modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya. There are some new soft selection features of the tools and commands present in the 3d modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya from 2009 to onwards versions. The new features which are being added in new versions of the 3d modeling and animation software applications are the works of the developments in the technology and improvements which make technology better and comprehensive.
When you are modeling some 3d object in 3d modeling and animation software of any kind then you can select its edges, faces, vertices, etc. but what soft selection provides you is that you can select surface of 3d model without the any edge, face or vertex selection. This tool and option is present in almost all the 3d modeling and animation software application of the 3d computer graphics and here in this lesson you will learn about Maya’s soft selection tool.
How to open soft selection mode:
When you have a model suppose that is a polygon sphere and then you double click on any of the modifying tool like move tool then tool options box will open up and now what you need to is to scroll down to the soft selection option and adjust setting for area to be selected. That’s how it works for more details watch this video tutorial now.