Fresh Maya Tutorial: Basic Object – Pipes

Welcome to 3d modeling beginners’ lesson in this 3d modeling lesson you will learn how to model the pipe model with polygon 3d modeling tools and commands in 3d modeling and animation software Maya. Polygon 3d modeling is very expanded way of 3d modeling in this polygonal 3d modeling you have to model the surface by creating polygons faces on the 3d model and then editing these polygons to get 3d models, 3d modeling is a complete career opportunity and if you choose polygon 3d modeling then you can make way to success for 3d modeling of all sorts of articles in computer graphics software here in this 3d modeling lesson we are teaching 3d modeling tips and technique in one of the greatest 3d software for 3d modeling 3d animation rendering that is Autodesk Maya. This is architectural 3d modeling course lesson for 3d modeling of the pipe with polygon surface 3d modeling tools and commands in 3d animation modeling software Autodesk Maya.


  1. Change the menus set to Polygons.
  2. You just go the polygon primitives in the Create menu and click on the torus.
  3. Then increase the subdivision axis value of the torus for making it smooth (Press ctrl + A for channel box).
  4. Then select the half of the torus and delete it similarly delete the remaining half part of the half and you have basic elbow pipe 3d model.
  5. Now you have to increase some thickness to make it realistic so right click on the object and go to edge mode, click on the Extrude tool in the Edit mesh menus and then apply extrusion towards the thickening axis. Now right click on the object and go to face mode and select the thick faces and then apply extrusion.
  6. Then create a straight pipe for you model.
  7. For texturing just right click on the object and choose the Blinn material, in the attribute editor change the color as you want.
  8. Press ‘6’ for texture mode.
  9. For more details watch this video lesson now.

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