3d Rocket Follow Camera Part 9

This video tutorial demonstrates how to make a camera following some moving object in Maya. After this tutorial you will be able to create a camera, aim camera with animation constrains and follow a camera after a moving object.

Often we need following cameras while making walkthroughs of buildings and architectural designs. Walkthrough is a term used in 3d animation’s world for cameras that capture the scene of huge construction plans, complexes, huge buildings, roads, road calks and much more. We aim the camera to objects which is moving or flying or being animated and our camera captures the scene of animated objects by following it at all frames.
In this tutorial you will fix a camera on the cartoon rocket for capturing its scene while the rocket is flying into the air or space. Camera doesn’t go after the object but its lens aims the object and it fixes its eyes on the rocket model so that camera shows us the motion of the object by following it.