3d Rocket Lights Part 5

This video tutorial will teach you how to create and Aim/constrain lights in Maya and how to use a light as camera. After this tutorial you will be able to use lights and you will aim them to the objects so that they will follow the movements of the objects.

Maya provides a very rich feature of lights for scenes. Maya’s lights are as real as the real world. They emit photons, they refract, they reflect, they make shadows of objects in the scenes. They raytrace objects, so Maya’s lights are great fun and a great opportunity to be a great Artist.
In this lesson you will create 3 spot lights, 2 for aiming onto the object and one for lighten the scene itself. Why we need to aim 2 lights onto the object? Because rocket flies and goes into deep and dark space, we know that if the rocket is not aimed by some light it couldn’t be seen in dark space. So we aim lights to the rocket and thus rocket can be seen throughout the animation even in dark area.