Soft Bodies Basics

In this free video tutorial you will learn how to create a soft body with Maya Dynamics. This video tutorial is for beginners.

Hand-on Excercise …………………

How to create a soft body?

It’s very simple,

1. Create a ground

soft_bodies_002 soft_bodies_004

2. Create a NURBS sphere with a little high resolution,

Sections = 16
Spans = 12

3. Select the sphere

4. Move the sphere a little upwards


5. Select Dynamics Menu set

6. Go to the Soft/Rigid Bodies Menu

7. Select Create Soft Body


8. Go the Fields Menu

9. Select Gravity


10. Select sphere and then shift select the ground

11. Go to the Particle Menu

12. Select Make Collide


13. Play the animation


You can create unbelievable effects using soft bodies such as water flow, viscosity, plasma effects and much much more with soft bodies.