Simulating a Cartoon Rocket with Rigid / Bodies

This Free Video Tutorial will tell you how to create a passive and active rigid body in Maya Dynamics.
Maya dynamics feature has many different sub-features such as fields, effects, particles, soft/rigid bodies and much more. A soft body in 3d software is the body which is same like real worlds objects, Prepared by particles as real world’s things are made by molecules. A rigid body is the body which behaves like real world’s objects. Try to understand this thing with an example, when we drop a ball in real world in drop on the ground and bounces due to the gravitation of the earth. Same like that a rigid body behaves and we create real world like effect in our graphics.

Rigid bodies have two types, Passive rigid bodies and active rigid bodies. Passive rigid bodies are objects that be affected by other active rigid objects, and active rigid objects affect passive rigid bodies and as well as active rigid bodies.