Maya Dynamic, Rigid Bodies

dynamicLearn here about how to create Maya dynamic affects in your scene. We are required to show you about dynamic affects of rigid bodies in this tutorial. We have pre-made scene in our drive, let’s check it out and examine its different aspect. The scene have polygonal plane as a surface whereas the cone is used as striking object. The gravity effect is being used in this scene to make the object spin after collided with surface. Play the animation and cone is bouncing after it hits the plane. Close the scene and open a new file to make it again in 3d studio max. Go to polygon primitive and choose polygonal plane which appears on the grid. Scale it with scale tool or press “R” as short key to scale the object. Next go to again polygonal primitives and choose polygonal cone there. Rotate the cone at 180 degree, move the cone to straight up side of plane. The first and foremost thing here is to create gravity tool for bouncing of object between cone and plane. Gravity tool is added to create pulling effect in your scene, otherwise the object will be remain on the surface after first hitting the ground. Adjust key frames at your own choice and then assign them for animation. It hits the ground and bounces for little while so increase the key frame number and check the result. It is not creating pleasant impression in scene. Try some other primitives as medium of striking. They are kept in the path of falling cone; the cone hits the prism and fall far away from striking area. Try another experiment and use polygonal pipe as medium of striking effects. You will see that when the pipe hits the other primitives, it becomes out of control and spins for long time. It is required for us to teach you and video is also given for this purpose.