Introduction to nCloth in Maya

This tutorial is introducing you about nCloth modifier in Maya. You will learn here how to use them in easy and complex modeling. The nCloth modifier is already integrated in Maya. With an extra attention, you can understand the way it works.

We are presenting its introduction in easy to learn method, so that you could learn about nCloth in Maya. Go to polygon primitives and choose polygonal plane there. Now apply triangulate mesh to this plane as well as smooth mesh to find more option to work. This will create wonderful combination of mesh. Go to main menu and choose nDynamic.

Next go to nMesh and in drop down list choose nCloth modifier. When you right click on the object, it shows you some extra option and commands. Select all vertices and go to timeline setting.

Adjust the position of nCloth and play the animation. You will see nCloth modifier affects in your scene. You can apply gravity affects to your scene. For this purpose, we take sphere from polygonal primitives and use it as ball.

Introduction to nClothThe gravity is not yet applied on this primitive, so assign gravity affect to this scene. Now play the animation and you will see that sphere (ball) tore off nCloth modifier plane. There is many other affect which are shown in this video to go to video and learn the concept.