Dynamic Rig Tex And Image Tutorial


I have had to create a rig for an underwater vehicle by means of some soar by wire parts coming off of it. We required having control over them, plus being able to position them by hand, but seeing as how everything was supposed to be below the sea, we really didn’t want to have to animate every one the bobbing and swaying from the sea current.

So the plan be to come up with some sort of control so as to dynamically suspended the geometry. come again? I ended up going with was Maya’s hair system. The theory being I could probably get a hair to be springy, and move and drift by some turbulence on it.

Come again? I’m not going to go into here are some of the basics. I’m also not leaving to go into how to modify settings on the hair system to find the dynamic motion you’re looking for. A few things you’re just going to have to hear and play by on your own to get a better understanding. I believe troubleshooting is a skill everybody needs. The first time I build this, I have very little idea how it would work at what time I started. I now had an thought for a idea and broke it down into elements I would require to achieve to goal. Minus all the trial and errors, this is the system I come up with in a couple days.

So primary, we’re going to start off by creation a control for us to animate. I’m leaving to use CV curves because they tend to not obtain in the method of anything, plus they don’t render. I’m leaving to create my own by point snapping a linear curve to an 8X4 sphere I made.

dynamics Rig

So first, make a sphere by means of a radius of 1, subdivisions axis of 8 plus subdivisions height of 4. (The actual scale really doesn’t matter. You can build it what ever size you need it in the finish. In fact the shape of this control is very arbitrary. It now happens to be one I similar to for the function it serves. In every one actuality you might use come again? ever you wanted for the control of course.)
I then trace the sphere by means of a linear curve. As you are able to see I don’t trace every point of the sphere. Now enough points to have something spherical on each axis.

dynamic Rig dynamic Rig 003

Then, I’m going to turn on the CVs of the curve to be display, so I can point snap to them. You be able to just point snap to CVs when they’re visible, different vertices.

dynamic Rig 004

then create a locator. We’ll use this later, other than for now, it’s going to sit in the middle of this sphere so I can point break to it. With the CV curve tool still set to linear, I create 6 CV curves by point snapping to the sphere plus locator. Start at one axis point on the sphere to the locator on the center. Do try to start sphere side plus finish in the middle of each curve. It’ll mater on a number of settings later. Each line should merely consist of 2 CVs for ease sake.