Learn the basics of Maya

Learn Maya from very basics

If you want to be an expert in Maya then you should be expert in its basics first.This is a Maya college of 3D Animation like your actual School there are classes you will be promoted to next class after passing the present one. These are the gradual and step-wise tutorial video lesson


It is not possible to put up a Building without Foundation. Before Getting Started you have to watch Maya Basics videos.From this place you possibly will learn basics of Maya, 3D modeling and animation software. As the first tip of your first lesson you are advised to make a good perception of XYZ coordinates.
Firstly, we shall teach you the basics for a strong base because strongly based buildings can stand longer you should show your full interest in the basics this will help you in understanding the difficult tasks easily and you will be able to face them more strongly.

This link will take you to the basic tutorial lessons on Maya.