Creating Mud Hut with Poly in Maya

This video will make you clear about how to model Mud house using poly. This mud hut modeling is being performed under hand on exercise with poly modeling in Maya. Most of work is done by editing polygons and you can use thousand of ways to edit these polygons. It depend on you which kind of tool or command you use for your easiness. Sometimes the nature of work changes the mind of artist for using specific tools for specific tasks. In architectural modeling, there is no idea of free hand modeling like this one. Architectural modeling requires very accurate numeric values from primary structure diagram during the heights of the architectural model. This tutorial doesn’t cover architectural modeling, but some polygons are taken from architectural modeling in Maya. The whole modeling is basically designed with polygonal cube for walls and roofs.

Extrude and reset its faces and edges and with continuous process one can model easily complete mud hut modeling. Take a test render and view whether it is better or not. Assign hyper shade texture to the model individually and finally render the scene. This time it will create realistic and reasonable image of scene. Though there is not proper video about this concept but video link is given in the end of this text. So watch this video of poly modeling of mud hut in Maya.