Meshes can be Used for Screen Printing?

In this tutorial video you will learn how to stretch a silk mesh on the screen for screen Printing. There are other options for you in the selection of mesh you can use a silk mesh, fabric, nylon and even the metallic mesh may also be used but the metal should be stainless. It depends upon your choice your budget and level at which you are working. But however, it does not matter too much only thing is porosity of the mesh which countable in Screen Printing. Mostly Silk mesh is preferred and in this tutorial you learn something more about types of meshes and the factor of choice. screen-printing-meshes

Usually that screen is used which contains fabric thin mesh. Choose such mesh which has quality to absorb the mesh properly.mesh-onto-the-screen-frame-12The experts recommend such mesh, the screen frame is usually made up of platinum or wood and mesh is stretched over this frame. The mesh is easily available in the market and it is very smooth and thin and may be tear off because of little pressure. The mesh is of different sizes and you can cut the mesh from the roll according to the frame size.