Why Newtonian Physics is Taught in Schools

In most of the countries, Newtonian physics is taught in schools. When school students become college and university students, they think that they were being taught wrong physics and they ask why teachers had not taught them modern physics in secondary school level. In fact modern physics is quite complex and difficult to relate with nature at that initial stage. I think Newtonian physics is not wrong physics. Its physics for initial stage students. It is taught in schools because they need to learn it first.

If students will not learn that gravity is a pull from Newtonian physics, it would be hard for them to accept that gravity is in fact a push in modern physics because there is a vast topic to understand that definition of gravity. At initial stage, it would be hard for students to understand and study that type of vast topic.

School Students of Physics

School Students of Physics

School students of physics know the equation E=mc2, but they do not know which type of theories are hidden in this equation. They only know the simple part of that equation but they don’t know the complex part of that equation at that stage. They come to know its complexity when they grow up and become university students.

In Newtonian physics, students learn the definition of relative motion and in university, they learn theory of relativity as a full subject. If teachers start teaching that course “theory of relativity” to students in school level, those students cannot absorb it. They can’t relate it with the real world. They would get bored of physics, if they are being taught at that stage.

School Students of Physics

Learn the Motion of Massive Objects

In Newtonian physics, students learn the motion of massive objects. They study about the things which they can see around them. They can easily relate and take examples from real world. But in modern physics and in Einstein’s physics, they study about the smaller objects. It’s difficult in it to take examples from real world because most of it is the study at atomic and electron level. So it becomes difficult for secondary school students to learn it.

Learn the Motion of Massive Objects

Physics is a subject to learn step by step. It’s the study of mass and energy and their relationship with each other. It’s the study of nature. It’s the study of universe. Students should learn the work of early scientists also. They should know how physics became advanced. They should know how physics was and how physics is. For that it’s important that Newtonian physics is to be taught in school.