Video-Start MEL Scripting language 1

This is new 3d modeling and animation tutorial video series for learning MEL scripting commands in 3d modeling animation software Maya. Mel stands for “Maya Embedded Language.” Autodesk Maya has hundreds of tools and commands for 3d modeling and 3d animation making and all types of works to perform in 3d computer graphics. You can call it as descriptive method of 3d modeling and 3d animation making Maya Mel here you will learn how to use MEL for 3d modeling in 3d software Maya. You will learn how to create basic 3d models in 3d modeling and animation software using Maya Mel. Moreover you will learn how to use of many commonly used tool of 3d modeling they are Move tool, rotate tool and scale tool. In this first 3d modeling lesson about Mel you will learn how to use command line for basic 3d modeling techniques because there are many other features of 3d modeling and animation software Maya which are controlled by using Mel commands and about them you will learn later on.


  1. Command line is present at the left bottom corner of workspace; you just click on command typing area to turn on the MEL script cursor.
  2. For creating sphere, cube, cone and torus etc. just type then name of object and put ‘semi colon (;)’ after every command is complete at the end and hit “Enter” button of “Numeric Pad on keyboard”.
  3. If you want to delete some thing then select the object with its name and then type delete commands and semi colon should be there at the end, then press Enter of Numeric pad to delete certain item.
  4. For using move tool type ‘translate’ and then give value of three axes separated by one space then put ‘;’ for ending commands and press Numeric Enter.
  5. For rotate commands type ‘rotate’ and give value of three axes as x y z respectively and then end the command and press Numeric Enter.
  6. For resizing type ‘scale’ and give value for three axes and the ending the command with ‘;’ press Numeric Enter.
  7. Watch this video and learn more and for more learning of Mel watch next video.