Modeling Hydraulics in Maya

Hi my name is Vishal Kawji. This is my first lesson for, so lets start modeling.

This lesson is made using Maya 6.5.

For this lesson we resolve need a robotic arm so lets model one

Creating Hydraulics in Maya

1. First get a poly cylinder by subdiv axis –20, height segment –1 and no cap segment.

height segment

2. Now rotate it to 90deg in x- axis. At this time it resolve look like this.
3. Now extrude the external cap face and create some thing like this.


4. At the present extrude the seven side faces of the cylinder to create the first bar of the hand.


5. It resolve look like this after extrude plus small bit of tweaking.
6. Now it’s the time for creation a joint. For creation a joint we resolve use a another cylinder but with a smaller size.
7. Now let’s make it look like a joint.
8. Now combine both of them OK it’s done now.


9. Now get a copy of the arm and flip it and tweak it a small bit so it would look like this.
10. Ok now let’s make the fingers.
11. Get a sphere and place it at the front of the arm. Now take a duplicate of the sphere at the same place.


12. OK at the present select one of the spheres and Boolean it with the front arm.


13. Ok at the present lets create the base for fingers.
14. Lets take a cylinder for the base for the fingers ok.
15. Now get a sphere for the movements of the fingers.


16. Ok now let’s create the fingers.
17. Ok now I have taken a cylinder for his finger. I took 2 cylinders which are actually combined and now I am merging the vertices.