Trax Editor Nonlinear Animation in Maya

In this free video tutorial you will learn to use the Trax editor of Maya for creating clips, it’s called non-linear animation. After this tutorial you will able generate animation clips for your regular use in the long run. Animation clips are helpful for creating an animation which has different types of motions, such as you are making a karate fight animation on your characters.

So you have a need to create different clips that can be used again and again for your continuous fight in animation. You need to make kicks, jumps, punches, sweeps, and much more for the fight of your characters. If you start to create a complete key frame animation on those motions of your character you will have to spend a lot of time for doing this, but with Trax editor you don’t need to set keys each time on same type of motions.

You will create clips for this purpose in Trax editor and you will reuse the clips for same types of motions. In this video tutorial you will create only 3 clips as an initial understanding of Trax editor clip animation method. In next lesson you will go ahead with more deep and detailed way. This tutorial is about an aircraft’s take off and landing and is very simple.


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