Maya Dynamics

Here you will find number of tutorials about Maya dynamic and nDynamic. This particular tutorial is also among one of them. Generally the dynamic is defined as lively, active, self-motivated, energetic, vibrant, forceful, and full of life.

In Maya the features that controls all matter related to Physics lie under Maya dynamic. In Maya you can express almost all kind of concepts in Maya such as quantum physics to space science. According to Maya applications, our world is like world of 3 dimensions.

We also know that our space has 3 coordinates X,Y and Z. Now when the time is included into space we find motion. Simple traditional animation is assumed as normal motion in general way.

But when the animation is created with complex types of motions such as water flow, air blow, smokes, clouds, particles flow, gusts, wafts, puffs, blusters, propels, fire effects, fireworks, gravitational effects and all motions like those are handled within Dynamics and nDynamics feature of Maya.

When you are going to work in dynamic or nDynamic category, make sure that main menu setting is under the dynamic or nDynamic menu. Only in this way you can work with Maya dynamics. In the end of this tutorial, Maya dynamic category is linked so that you could get help properly.
