Maya Hard Surface Modeling

Here we are going to work for hard surface modeling in Maya. The model is here and being used as reference image. We shall create them in Maya 2012. Go to polygon primitives and choose polygonal cylinder. Adjust its attribute level from attribute editor, now it will become just like a pie graph. Make a copy of this pie and scale the other one as smaller. Convert both pies into edge setting, now select three edges of the both pies and combine them. Right click on the object and choose bridge tool to combine them. In this way it will connect them both pies mutually.

Now the main pie is covering four sides of the plane, we need only one side, so select other three sides and hit delete them. Select the sides of the quarter part and grab them straight. Create edge loop tool to connect them with small pie. Do the same with side edges of the model, here we shall also use edge loop tool.

Finally it will become nearly square shape. Select the vertices mode and grab it to Y-axis. The side will be automatically turned. Grab the side edges slightly, and now make copy of them. Now it became base for electric machine, the smaller hole is used for holding.

Select these holding circles and hit delete. Hold the model from center, grab it toward Y-axis. The base is ready, now pulley is required to create, which will be made in next tutorial.