Input And Output Devices Part 2 (Chapter 1)

Numeric keys

The numeric keys serve one of the two purposes, depending on the status of the num lock key. When the computer is in the num lock mode, these keys can be sued to enter numeric data and mathematical symbols (/for “divided by”, * for “multiplied by”, – for “subtraction” and + for “addition”). In the num lock mode, the status light under “num lock” key lights up. When the computer is not in the num Lock mode, the numeric keys can be used to move the cursor and perform other factions, as given below.

keyboard-end-key  – In some programs, the end key moves the cursor to the bottom-right corner of the screen.

down-arrow-key  – this key moves the cursor down one line.

keyboard-pagedown-key  – The Page down key advances one full screen while the cursor stays at the same place.

arrow-left-key – This key moves the cursor one character to the left.

arrow-right-key – this key moves the cursor one character to the right.

keyboard-home-key  – in some programs, the home key moves the cursor to the top-left corner of the screen.

keyboard-key-Arrow-Up – this key moves the cursor one line up.

keyboard-page-up-key – the page up key backs up to the previous screen while the cursor stays at the same place.

keybord-insert-key – the insert key, when toggled off, causes keyed characters to override/affix with the existing characters.

keybord-del-key – the delete key deletes a character, space, or selected text.

Extended keyboards include additional keys that duplicate the cursor movement fuctions of the numeric keys. Users who enter a lot of numeric data can leave their computers in the num lock mode and use these additional keys to control the cursor.

The arrow keys, to the left of the numeric keys, move the cursor position, just as the numeric keys 2,4,6, and 8do when they are not in the num lock mode.

Just above the arrow keys are six keys — Insert, Delete, Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down — which duplicate functions of the numeric keys 0, decimal point (Del), 7,1,9, and 3.

keyboard-printscree-key – The Print Screen key causes the current screen display to be taken a copy of information or image on the screen.

keyboard-key-Scroll-Lock – the Scroll Lock key causes lines of text images – not the cursor – to move. When the computer is in the scroll Lock mode, the status light under “Scroll Lock” lights up.

keyboard-pause-key  – The Pause key causes the screen to pause when information is appearing on the screen too fast to read.

Function Keys

these keys are at the top of a computer keyboard labeled F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12. The functional keys are an easy way to give certain commands to the computer, which are usually operated by keyboard commands. They have different functions in different program. These functions are particularly important in an application program.

Function Keys

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