Video-How to Preparing Your Screen with Emulsion

This free screen printing tutorial video is about how to prepare the screen printing screen, how to coat the screen with Photo emulsion like the expert technique of the professionals. We present best of all screen printing tutorial videos to you for comprehensive and better learning of the screen printing skill. Here you will learn the process from the experts revealing all the top secrets of screen printing and how to uplift your screen printing studio and business? This tutorial video has been captured from a tee shirt printing studio an expert tells you how to prepare your screen and coat it with the photo-emulsion.

Screen Frame:
You need a frame for structure of screen made up of wood or aluminum. The wooden frame is more common than the aluminum frame. Both are good and recommended wooden frame is cheaper and easier to approach and aluminum frame is light weighed and long lasting best for professional use. You can make a wooden frame at home or buy it from market.
Silk mesh or Mesh:
coating-screenThere are two types of screen printing mesh material wise: one is silk mesh which is traditional and common in use for the beginners. Other is made up of polyethylene a synthetic form of silk.
There is other type mesh classification depending upon the porosity of the mesh. (numbers of holes per square unit area) most common are 100 hole mesh, 200 hole and 300 holes per square inch mesh there is another high porosity type mesh used with 355 holes per square inch.
If you have more detailed design then use some kind of thin colorant and the silk mesh should have greater number of holes per square inch and if the design is broad and ink is thick then you need a mesh with large hole size so a mesh with less numbers of holes per square inch should be used.

A Squeegee:

Make sure that the squeegee you are using has sharp ending blades this make you emulsion spread smoothly and uniformly over the mesh.
Photo-emulsion paint:
Paint made up colloidal solution of gelatin and silver halide (silver iodide, silver bromide etc.) having binder, toner and color also mixed in it. Add some amount of aqueous solution of the potassium dichromate in it as a catalyst. Before use keep the container of the photo emulsion closed.


  1. Stretch the mesh on the frame at home you can do this job with hands, start from one side if you are using aluminum frame then you can you a good quality glue or nail for the wooden frame.
  2. There should be not a single one wrinkle on the stretched mesh and it should be stretched having maximum tension.
  3. Then you take the photo emulsion paint in squeegee and start coating the screen in some dark place. One coat each side is sufficient.
  4. Keep you coated screen for drying in some dark place.
  5. For details watch this free screen printing tutorial video. Move onto next lesson.