3D Studio Max Design 2013 Revit Linking

This Video lesson of the latest feature in 3d studio Max 2013 and 3d studio Max Design 2013 on Revit Linking!

In my opinion this latest feature in 3d studio Max 2013 could have the poten

Tial to modify our design and visualization work-flow between Revit and 3d studio Max, by allowing us the freedom to design in Revit and think about in 3d studio Max without the tedious process of exporting our models from Revit and importing them into 3d studio Max and when they altered we had to redo the whole process again. Even if we were extremely organized it still took us a few times to render updates of our designs.

With this fresh ability to not just import native Revit files but to in fact LINK them we can start the visualization process of our design in Revit from the get go and if they modify (and we know they will…) it will be a substance of reloading our Revit link model in 3d studio Max and render our new design updates!

In the near future I’m going to be posting a few additional information and videos on how to begin the linking process starting with setting up views, applying and creating custom materials and lighting in our Revit models; and learn how to take full advantage of Revit Linking in 3d studio Max 2013, so stayed tuned!
