Historical list of Western Philosophers

Historical list of Western Philosophers.


western philosophers

His full name is Thales of Miletus; he belongs to Ionian, Milesian Naturalism. His notable ideas are,

  1. Water is physis (nature)
  2. Thales’s theorem
  3. Intercept theorem

His main interests are in, Ethics, Metaphysics, Mathematics and astronomy. He was influenced by Babylonian Astronomy and ancient Egyptian mathematics and religion. He influenced the Pythagoras, Anaximander, Anaximenes.


Western Philosophers: Anaximander

He is also a pre-Socratic philosopher. He also belongs to Ionian school of thought, also Milesian school and Naturalism. His main interests are metaphysics, astronomy, geometry and geography. His notable idea is that Apeiron is the basic principle.



His full name is Anaximenes of Miletus . He belongs to Ionian Milesian Naturalism. His main interests are Metaphysics, Materialism, and Mathematics. His notable idea is that Arche is air i.e. the origin of everything is air.



His full name is Pythagoras. His era is ancient philosophy. His school of thought is Pythagoreanism. His main interests are Mathematics, Music, Metaphysics, Ethics, and Politics. His notable ideas are Pythagorean Theorem, Golden Ration, Musica Universalis, and Pythagorean Tuning.

He is influenced by Thales, Anaximander. He influenced Parmenides, Plato etc.



He is not considered to belong to any school of thought. His main interests are Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics. His notable idea is Logos, Flow.



His full name is Parmenides. His era is pre-Socratic philosophy. He belongs to Eleatic School of thought. His main interests are Metaphysics, Ontology. His notable ideas are determinism and ultimate reality. He was influenced by Pythagoras, Heraclitus.

He influenced Zeno of Elea, Milessus of Samos, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Nietzsche and Heidegger.



His full name is Anaxagoras. His era is ancient philosophy. He belongs to pluralist school of thought. His main interest is natural philosophy. His notable idea is that cosmic mind is ordering all things. He is influenced by Milesian school of thought.

He influenced Archelaus.



His full name is Empedocles. He belongs to pluralist school of thought. His main interests are cosmogenesis and Ontology. His notable idea is that all things are made by four elements, water, air, fire and earth. He is influenced by Pythagoreanism and Parmenides.

He influenced Aristotle and Nietzsche.

(to be continued. Ask if you need it now)