
It is necessary to protect and preserve the natural resources to maintain a stable and balanced ecosystem for the benefit of mankind. Natural resources may be renewable or non-renewable resources.

Renewable Natural Resources: these are the resources which are never depleted and natural cycles constantly replace these materials. For example air, water, forests, soil, wildlife.

Non-Renewable Natural Resources: the resources that are depleted or destroyed and cannot be reused. For example fossil fuels, minerals etc.

How to Conserve?

Natural resources can be conserved either

  1. Directly by taking care of natural resources.
  2. Indirectly by controlling human population and consequently reducing pollution level.

Conserving Forests

Trees enrich the beauty of the nature. They are nature’s lungs because they consume the atmospheric carbon dioxide and produce oxygen which is released into atmosphere during the daytime. The animals consume oxygen and deplete the atmosphere of the oxygen, where as trees replete the atmospheric oxygen. Forests save mankind in many ways e.g.

  1. Trees provide shade to human beings, animals and soil.
  2. Living of many animals depends on the forests.
  3. Forest cover reduce rate of evaporation from soil.
  4. Transpiration from forests play important role in keeping the weather moderate.
  5. Forests prevent excessive soil erosion during floods & rains.

Soil erosion and its prevention

It refers to removal of the topsoil from one place to an other due to wind, flood and heavy rain. The comparatively infertile subsoil is exposed which is poor for plant growth. Best way to control soil erosion is by plant cover or vegetation. Plant cover controls and improves the soil in the following ways.

  1. Roots of the plants bind the soil particles.
  2. Trees act as windbreakers.
  3. They provide a protective cover for the soil against wind and rain.
  4. The roots of the trees make the soil spongy and thus capable of retaining water.


Recycling is the reprocessing of wastes into a state from which new useful items can be produced. Many substances of common use e.g. steel, paper, glass, plastics and rubbers can be recycled. A good way of pollution control is by reducing the solid waste. Recycling of sewage water and car wash stations may save water wastage. Recycling saves energy and money overall.

Conservation _10th_Biology